Intel 471
Executive Editor, Cyber Threat Intelligence (November 2022 - present)
Intel 471 is an intelligence firm that specialises in helping defend organisations from emerging cyber threats.
Information Security Media Group
Executive editor (May 2016 - November 2022)
ISMG runs a network of websites solely focused on computer security. I wrote breaking news and features, conduct audio and video interviews and moderate executive roundtables and events. I also created, wrote and produced The Ransomware Files, a podcast about ransomware, which is one of the internet's greatest crime waves.
IDG News Service
London then Sydney correspondent
London correspondent (September 2005 to April 2016)
Now defunct, the News Service was an internal news wire for IDG publications including Computerworld, PC World, Techworld, Infoworld, Networkworld, CIO, CSO and more. It was used by more than 300 publications in 85 countries. I covered computer security, software, privacy and breaking technology news in Asia-Pacific.
Freelance journalist
(August 2004 to August 2005)
I freelanced in Seoul, writing for publications such as the Far Eastern Economic Review, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, Newsday, San Francisco Chronicle and the Asia Times Online. I filed a range of feature and news stories on Korean issues.
Pacific Stars and Stripes
Seoul correspondent (June 1999 to August 2004)
Pacific Stars and Stripes is a 20,000-circulation daily newspaper serving the U.S. military community in South Korea and Japan. I was a full-time reporter, covering three U.S. military commands and North Korean affairs in Seoul, South Korea.